Aminet 24
Aminet 24 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Apr 1998].iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
486 lines
* prims.c -- code for the primitive functions declared in forth.dict
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h> /* used in "digit" */
#include "common.h"
#include "forth.h"
#include "prims.h" /* macro primitives */
zbranch() /* add an offset (branch) if tos == 0 */
if(pop() == 0)
ip += mem[ip];
ip++; /* else skip over the offset */
ploop() /* (loop) -- loop control */
short index, limit;
index = rpop()+1;
if(index < (limit = rpop())) { /* if the new index < the limit */
rpush(limit); /* restore the limit */
rpush(index); /* and the index (incremented) */
branch(); /* and go back to the top of the loop */
else ip++; /* skip over the offset, and exit, having
popped the limit & index */
pploop() /* (+loop) -- almost the same */
short index, limit;
index = rpop()+pop(); /* get index & add increment */
if(index < (limit = rpop())) { /* if new index < limit */
rpush (limit); /* restore the limit */
rpush (index); /* restore the new index */
branch(); /* and branch back to the top */
else {
ip++; /* skip over branch offset */
pdo() /* (do): limit init -- [pushed to rstack] */
rpush (pop());
rpush (pop());
i() /* copy top of return stack to cstack */
int tmp;
tmp = rpop();
r() /* this must be a primitive as well as I because otherwise it
always returns its own address */
digit() /* digit: c -- FALSE or [v TRUE] */
short c, base; /* C is ASCII char, convert to val. BASE is
used for range checking */
base = pop();
c = pop();
if (!isascii(c)) {
push (FALSE);
/* lc -> UC if necessary */
if (islower(c)) c = toupper(c);
if (c < '0' || (c > '9' && c < 'A') || c > 'Z') {
push(FALSE); /* not a digit */
else { /* it is numeric or UC Alpha */
if (c >= 'A') c -= 7; /* put A-Z right after 0-9 */
c -= '0'; /* now c is 0..35 */
if (c >= base) {
push (FALSE); /* FALSE - not a digit */
else { /* OKAY: push value, then TRUE */
push (c);
push (TRUE);
pfind() /* WORD TOP -- xx FLAG, where TOP is NFA to start at;
WORD is the word to find; xx is PFA of found word;
yy is actual length of the word found;
FLAG is 1 if found. If not found, 0 alone is stacked. */
unsigned short worka, workb, workc, current, word, match;
current = pop ();
word = pop ();
while (current) { /* stop at end of dictionary */
if (!((mem[current] ^ mem[word]) & 0x3f)) {
/* match lengths & smudge */
worka = current + 1;/* point to the first letter */
workb = word + 1;
workc = mem[word]; /* workc gets count */
match = TRUE; /* initally true, for looping */
while (workc-- && match)
match = ((mem[worka++] & 0x7f) == (mem[workb++] & 0x7f));
if (match) { /* exited with match TRUE -- FOUND IT */
push (worka + 2); /* worka=LFA; push PFA */
push (mem[current]); /* push length byte */
push (TRUE); /* and TRUE flag */
/* failed to match */
/* follow link field to next word */
current = mem[current + (mem[current] & 0x1f) + 1];
push (FALSE); /* current = 0; end of dict; not found */
int delim, current, offset;
delim = pop();
current = pop();
push (current);
offset = -1;
if (mem[current] == delim) goto encl1;
if (mem[current] == NULL) {
push (offset);
push (offset);
if (mem[current] == delim) goto encl4;
if (mem[current] != NULL) goto encl2;
/* mem[current] is null.. */
push (offset);
push (offset);
encl4: /* found the trailing delimiter */
push (offset);
push (offset);
cmove() /* cmove: source dest number -- */
short source, dest, number, i;
number = pop();
dest = pop();
source = pop();
for ( ; number ; number-- ) mem[dest++] = mem[source++];
fill() /* fill: c dest number -- */
short dest, number, c;
number = pop();
dest = pop();
c = pop();
mem[dest] = c; /* always at least one */
if (number == 1) return; /* return if only one */
push (dest); /* else push dest as source of cmove */
push (dest + 1); /* dest+1 as dest of cmove */
push (number - 1); /* number-1 as number of cmove */
ustar() /* u*: a b -- a*b.hi a*b.lo */
unsigned short a, b;
unsigned long c;
a = (unsigned short)pop();
b = (unsigned short)pop();
c = a * b;
/* (short) -1 is probably FFFF, which is just what we want */
push ((unsigned short)(c & (short) -1)); /* low word of product */
/* high word of product */
push ((short)((c >> (8*sizeof(short))) & (short) -1));
uslash() /* u/: NUM.LO NUM.HI DENOM -- REM QUOT */
unsigned short numhi, numlo, denom;
unsigned short quot, remainder; /* the longs below are to be sure the
intermediate computation is done
long; the results are short */
denom = pop();
numhi = pop();
numlo = pop();
quot = ((((unsigned long)numhi) << (8*sizeof(short)))
+ (unsigned long)numlo)
/ (unsigned long)denom;
remainder = ((((unsigned long)numhi) << (8*sizeof(short)))
+ (unsigned long)numlo)
% (unsigned long)denom;
push (remainder);
push (quot);
swap() /* swap: a b -- b a */
short a, b;
b = pop();
a = pop();
push (b);
push (a);
rot() /* rotate */
short a, b, c;
a = pop ();
b = pop ();
c = pop ();
push (b);
push (a);
push (c);
tfetch() /* 2@: addr -- mem[addr+1] mem[addr] */
unsigned short addr;
addr = pop();
push (mem[addr + 1]);
push (mem[addr]);
store() /* !: val addr -- <set mem[addr] = val> */
unsigned short tmp;
tmp = pop();
mem[tmp] = pop();
cstore() /* C!: val addr -- */
tstore() /* 2!: val1 val2 addr --
mem[addr] = val2,
mem[addr+1] = val1 */
unsigned short tmp;
tmp = pop();
mem[tmp] = pop();
mem[tmp+1] = pop();
leave() /* set the index = the limit of a DO */
int tmp;
rpop(); /* discard old index */
tmp = rpop(); /* and push the limit as */
rpush(tmp); /* both the limit */
rpush(tmp); /* and the index */
dplus() /* D+: double-add */
short ahi, alo, bhi, blo;
long a, b;
bhi = pop();
blo = pop();
ahi = pop();
alo = pop();
a = ((long)ahi << (8*sizeof(short))) + (long)alo;
b = ((long)bhi << (8*sizeof(short))) + (long)blo;
a = a + b;
push ((unsigned short)(a & (short) -1)); /* sum lo */
push ((short)(a >> (8*sizeof(short)))); /* sum hi */
subtract() /* -: a b -- (a-b) */
int tmp;
tmp = pop();
push (pop() - tmp);
dsubtract() /* D-: double-subtract */
short ahi, alo, bhi, blo;
long a, b;
bhi = pop();
blo = pop();
ahi = pop();
alo = pop();
a = ((long)ahi << (8*sizeof(short))) + (long)alo;
b = ((long)bhi << (8*sizeof(short))) + (long)blo;
a = a - b;
push ((unsigned short)(a & (short) -1)); /* diff lo */
push ((short)(a >> (8*sizeof(short)))); /* diff hi */
dminus() /* DMINUS: negate a double number */
unsigned short ahi, alo;
long a;
ahi = pop();
alo = pop();
a = -(((long)ahi << (8*sizeof(short))) + (long)alo);
push ((unsigned short)(a & (short) -1)); /* -a lo */
push ((unsigned short)(a >> (8*sizeof(short)))); /* -a hi */
over() /* over: a b -- a b a */
short a, b;
b = pop();
a = pop();
push (a);
push (b);
push (a);
dup() /* dup: a -- a a */
short a;
a = pop();
push (a);
push (a);
tdup() /* 2dup: a b -- a b a b */
short a, b;
b = pop();
a = pop();
push (a);
push (b);
push (a);